Becoming Catholic at Holy Cross
Discovering Christ | Discovering Catholicism
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
Becoming Catholic
as an Adult at Holy Cross.
Becoming Catholic at Holy Cross begins with taking part in Discovering Christ, a 4-part series (plus one retreat) which includes fundamental teachings about Jesus, the Gospel and the Church. Following Discovering Christ we’ll jump into Discovering Catholicism, a deeper dive into the teachings and practices of the Catholic Church which includes seminar-style teaching and small group discussion. For those who discern to join the Catholic Church and receive the Sacraments of Initiation, the process culminates in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). Each person involved in this process will be accompanied by a sponsor, who walks with them in their own personal journey of faith.
See the graphic for more details, and email Grant ( with any questions. To register, click the button below.
The Easter Vigil
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults culminates in Catechumens and Candidates receiving the Sacraments of Initiation and being received into the Church at the Easter Vigil.

1. Discovering Christ
The process of becoming Catholic begins with the 4 sessions (plus one retreat) of Discovering Christ, which will take place on Tuesdays from September 24th - October 15th (Retreat Sunday October 13th, 11 AM - 3 PM) at 7:00PM in Kolbe Hall. A Discovering Christ session is composed of a shared meal, some communal prayer, a presentation and small group table discussion. The topics include: Who is Jesus? Why do I need a savior? Why is the Resurrection important? Why do we need the Church? This is a place to bring your big questions about God and about life!
Discovering Catholicism: November - May
Becoming Catholic at Holy cross
2024 - 2025
Discovering Christ: September 24 - October 15
2. Discovering Catholicism
The next step in the process is participating in Discovering Catholicism, a seminar-style class with small group discussion. Discovering Catholicism takes place on Tuesdays from November to May at 7:00PM in the basement hall of St. Clement Church. This class is a deeper dive into the truths and teachings of the Catholic faith and a place to learn what Jesus taught, how the Church embodies His teaching and how we are called to live as a result.