Patience, prayer and silence, these are what give strength to the soul.
– St. Faustina

Mass Intentions

The Holy Mass is the public prayer of the Church, the place where we are made to be Church and exercise the dignity of making Christ in his Pascal Mystery present for one another and for the world. 

The dedication of Masses (the Mass Intention) is a tradition that has remained constant since the primitive age of Christianity. A Mass Intention is the highest form of intercessory prayer that a Christian can offer. When a priest celebrates a Mass for a special intention, he is offering the celebration of the Eucharist for a particular person (or intention), who then receives the graces of that Mass. Individuals may request a priest to offer Mass for a loved one for various reasons, such as

  • The repose of one who has died

  • Celebrations of occasions such as birthdays or anniversaries

  • Thanksgiving for graces received

  • For one in physical or spiritual trouble

To request a Mass Intention at Holy Cross,
St. Clement or St. Hedwig campus, contact the Parish Office at 612-930-0860 or email via the button below.

Eucharistic Adoration

The parish is blessed with many regular adorers and substitutes, but we are always eager to add to more to our ranks! The chapel is well-stocked with rosaries, bibles, and other guides to prayer.

Consider signing up for an open hour. Details found by clicking the button.

Weekly Bulletin Intercessions

Each week a list of those in need of prayers are listed in the bulletin. If you know of  someone sick or home bound and in need of prayer support, please contact Diane in the parish office to have them added to the list so that we may all pray together as a parish. We will generally rotate a name off of the list after three weeks. Please inform us if a name can be removed before that time.

Prayer Line

Send us a prayer request via the form.

Rosary Guild

The Holy Cross Council of Catholic Women Rosary Guild features:

• A wonderful opportunity to meet other parish women 

• Spiritual growth among members 

• Activities to support the needs of the parish community, and local charities

Prayer Shawl

The Prayer Shawl Ministry began in May of 2007. Since that time, more than 650 handmade prayer shawls have been give to parishioners and friends in need of prayers and comfort.

Shawls are crafted with prayers and are blessed by one of our priests before they are presented. The ministry meets on the last Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm in the Library at the Holy Cross Campus. All skill levels are welcome.

To request a prayer shawl, please contact the sacristan after mass. For more information or if you have any questions please contact the Parish Office.

Seven Sisters

An idea conceived of and started by Janette Howe, mother of our pastor Fr. Howe, before his ordination, this powerful and now-worldwide apostolate ensures an unbroken chain of prayer for an individual priest.

Committing themselves to one year, seven women dedicate one hour each week on a selected day to pray for a priest in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.

Holy Cross is pleased to have dedicated women praying for each of our priests.

Please consider this ministry as our beloved priests are always in need of prayer. Click the button for more information.