Thank You For
Supporting Holy Cross

Every man shall give as he is able,
according to the blessing of the Lord your God which He has given you.
– Deuteronomy 16:17
Vanco Simplified Giving:
A convenient, consistent way to help Holy Cross grow.
With our Simplified Giving option, contributions to Holy Cross can be debited automatically from your checking or savings account or processed using your credit or debit card. This option offers convenience for you and provides much-needed donation consistency for our congregation. Electronic gifts are fast and secure, and they reduce administrative costs, allowing more of every dollar to fund the important work we are called to do.
What Simplified Giving Offers:
Giving anytime, anywhere to your favorite funds
Convenient, safe and simple way to make regular offerings
No longer need to write out 52 checks, carry cash or prepare envelopes
Schedule and manage recurring donations
Adds greater security in the church office
Provides much-needed donation consistency
Offers convenient payment methods - Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Debit Card, Checking or Saving Account
View your complete online giving history
Make one-time donations to special appeals
Pay for events, programs and other activities
Frequently Asked Questions
You select a payment method, start date, frequency and contribution amount. On the scheduled date(s), donations will be processed and deposited into the church bank account.
The itemized list of electronic transactions that appear on your bank or credit card statement can be used as proof of your donations.
It is safer than writing checks or carrying cash. Secure donation services are provided by Vanco Payment Solutions. Vanco processes electronic donations for more than 15,000 churches and nonprofit organizations.
Either write “I give electronically” on the outside of an envelope or contact the church office and request an “I give electronically” card to drop into the offering plate.
You can cancel or suspend donations by contacting the church or through your Vanco account.